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Rufus 2 (2017)

Directed by Savage Steve Holland


Rufus is a dog but turns into a human with a pendant. He meets a girl named Kat who asks him to go out. Kat is a cat who can also turn into a human as well.

Rated G | Length 46 minutes


Jace Norman | Davis Cleveland | Haley Tju | Jade Pettyjohn | Kalvin Olafson | Amitai Marmorstein | Wesley Salter | Chad Riley | Lisa Durupt | Lillian Lim | Darien Provost | Anna Galvin | Kirsten Robek | Diego Martinez | Nils Hognestad | Lizzie Boys | Erika Forest | Princess Davis | Ella Kosor | Garrett Quirk | Andrew Creightney | Emily Delahunty