Italian sex comedy based on the tales of the Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio. The squire John Attelano eager to put his son Falcotto on track, makes him marry Firdalba, the Rampaldi daughter. The newlyweds will receive 15,000 florins on condition that she reaches the altar a virgin and that he did not betray. On the day awaited the bride arrives at the church accompanied by the nurse and the Toro servant, but before reaching the surgeon who has to establish his virginity, was repeatedly raped. At the expense will Falcotto and future father in law.
Length 84 minutes
Osvaldo Ruggieri | Rosalba Neri | Christa Linder | Emilio Marchesini | Romano Bernardi | Vincenzo Ferro | Rosemarie Lindt | Marco Zuanelli | Piero Gerlini | Claudio De Davide | Gianna Pacetti | Beniamino Maggio | Giuseppe Colombo | Mirella Pace