The story of the 60s pop group The Monkees, as they rise above their status as a band created for a TV show, to establishing their legacy in their own right. The band faces many obstacles, among them the right to play their own instruments on record.
Length 92 minutes
George Stanchev | L.B. Fisher | Jeff Geddis | Aaron Lohr | Colin Ferguson | Wallace Langham | Stephen Bogaert | Polly Shannon | Jim Thorburn | Toby Proctor | Sarah Lafleur | Balázs Koós | Jeffrey R. Smith | Joe Matheson | Karley Marek | Edward Glen | Jeff Ironi | Christopher Crumb | Graham Harley | Katie Griffin | Larry Bain | Peter Tork | Jamie Ferenczi | Tony Springer | Robert B. Kennedy | Ron Payne | Paul A. MacFarlane | Courtney Hawkrigg | Amanda May | Nicole Dicker | Lillian Lewis | Kevin Hare