Several dead bodies have been found in Gothenburg striking fear into the city’s population. We follow Goran Lidman who will head the task of tracing the offender. Clues lead to suspicions of an occult group. The former reverend Gabriella, who has her own reasons for wanting to stop the killings, offers Lidman her help. As Lidman embarks on an involuntary collaboration he must reluctantly accept a world beyond his own understanding in order to stop the perpetrator of the killings. —Simon Kölle, Rasmus Tirzitis
Length 115 minutes
Göran Sjögren | Christian Kinell | Alexandra Zetterberg | Yohanna Idha | Kjell Wilhelmsen | Johan Gry | Lars Väringer | Margareta Strand | Alexandra Alegren | Ralf Beck | Milla Bergh | Urban Bergsten | Erik Bolin | Stefan Cronwall | Klas Ekegren | Magdalena Runesdotter Eriksson | Ibrahim Faal | Ronja Kruus | Sten-Erik Kvarnström | Kari Lindqvist | Anders Menzinsky | Pontus Olgrim | Andreas Rylander | Monika Sahlin | Johan Sjöberg | Fredrik Thorsson