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Tales of the Otherwords (2016)

Directed by B.W. Purbanegara


Mbah Sri (95 years old) is looking for the grave of her husband, who has been missing for decades, with one simple aim: she wants to rest in peace beside her husband’s grave.

Length 87 minutes


Ponco Sutiyem | Rukman Rosadi | Ledjar Subroto | Vera Prifatamasari | E Suhardjendro | Sasmo Wiyanto | Sugeng Prihatin | Supriyanto | Harso Diyono | Sartorejo | Fajar Suharno | Sri Mulyani | Darsono | B.W. Purbanegara | Hadi | Wasiyem | Bayan Gito | Wagiyem | Brilliana Desy Dwinawati | Natasya Putri | Kar | Sutarto | Waluyo | Joko Ismoyo | Ismail Basbeth | Ganesya | Alit Jabangbayi | Hanung Bramantyo | Mulyani | Endang Sukeksi | Bashori | Gundhissos | Arief Akhmad Yani | Paula Bella | Alex Suhendra | Bagus Suitrawan | Sigit Fahrul | Sri Hartini | Jaimin | Suhatnowo Didik Prasetyo