The exploration of the effects of an unexpected catastrophe, known as VUE (violent unknown event) through the bios of 92 survivors.
Length 195 minutes
Stephen Quay | Timothy Quay | Adam Leys | Sheila Canfield | Monica Hyde | Keith Pendlebury | Marcia Pendlebury | Martin Burrows | Adejbo Nkasaggi | Serena MacBeth | John Wilson | Rod Stoneman | Leslie Wilson | Chris Rodriquez | Kenneth Breese | Herbert Mullinger | Lucy Skeaping | Christine Metcalfe | Christopher Metcalfe | Lilian Mullinger | Bob Godfrey | Alderich Asonbryl | John W. Hyde | Christopher Williams | J.J. Czipri | Peter Greenaway | Anthony Sloman | Colin Cantlie | Lorna Poulter | Peter Westley | Aad Wirtz | Patricia Carr | Mary Howard | Evelyn Owen | Carole Meyer | Michael Murray | Colleen Thomas | Hilary Thompson