Two brothers live with their mother in an old house on the outskirts of town. They both work in a printing house. Elder Bóža is a quiet, responsible person with views determined by the Christian faith. Dan is a dude who revels in pub fun. Only after the tragic death of a person, he begins to understand that something is missing in his life.
Length 78 minutes
Ondřej Vetchý | Jiří Schmitzer | Ivana Velichová | Jirina Trebická | Jaroslav Mareš | Zdenka Sajfertová | Miloslav Maršálek | Jan Hraběta | Jana Malá | Pavel Melounek | Jan Okrouhlík | Milan Charvát | Jan Toušek | Lena Birková | Milan Pěkný | Milan Tahotný | Marcela Benoniová | Milan Rybák | Michal Hofbauer | J. Šebková | Hugo Lutovský | Jaroslav Tomsa | Josef Kotěšovský | J. Kuchař | Michaela Pavlíčková | Mirko Musil