Aami is a biopic based on the life of the renowned poet and author Kamala Das, who was fondly referred by her pet name Aami. The film mainly deals with two relationships the writer had - with the husband and after his demise, with a suitor from a different religion.
Length 167 minutes
Manju Warrier | Tovino Thomas | Murali Gopy | Anoop Menon | Renji Panicker | KPAC Lalitha | Balachandran Chullikkadu | Santhosh Keezhattoor | Anjali Aneesh Upasana | Rasna Pavithran | Vinaya Prasad | Rahul Madhav | Jyothi Krishna | Neelanjana | Aangelina Abraham | Anil Nedumangad | Indrans | Lakshmipriya | Sreedevi Unni | Valsala Menon | Dinesh Prabhakar | Jayaraj Warrier | Sethu Lakshmi | Sreeja Das