Chile, 1983. Gladys is a brave young woman who lives in La Victoria, a marginal neighborhood of Santiago with her mother and daughter during the Pinochet dictatorship. One day they receive a young missionary, Samuel Thompson, who, with his camera, records how the population lives in such an adverse scenario.
Length 118 minutes
Nathalia Aragonese | Daniel Contesse | Elías Collado | Corina Posada | Luis Dubó | Nicolás Rojas | Sara Becker | Claudia Santelices | Claudio González | Claudio Valenzuela | Alvaro Pacull | Daniela Cartagena | Ramón González | Miguel Krstulovic | Cristian Niedbalski | Karla Matta | Luis Bravo | Paula Hofmann | Penélope Fortunatti | Nicolás Deteran | Berta Maggi