TRAILERS unites the most personal and experimental aspects of underground filmmaking with a scope that is as cosmically vast as a science fiction epic. Rashidi’s ongoing exploration into the nature of cinema sees a group of characters adrift in space, each locked into their own sexual rituals while a cataclysm of universal proportions unfolds. Humanity has become a mysterious burlesque show for alien eyes: the gaze of the film camera. This visionary spectacle uses multiple formats and visual textures in weaving an erotic anti-narrative suspended in its own space and time.
Length 180 minutes
Vicky Langan | Maximilian Le Cain | Anja Mahler | Jann Clavadetscher | Dean Kavanagh | Cillian Roche | Julia Gelezova | Jennifer Sharpe | Alicja Ayres | Eadaoin O’Donoghue | George Hanover | Klara McDonnell | Martin Berridge