A World War II historical drama and the sequel to the 1970-71’s film series Liberation. The film reflects the following events of World War II: the capitulation of Friedrich Paulus’s Sixth Army as a result of the failed assault on Stalingrad during Operation Blue in 1942; the preparation for revolt in Slovakia; negotiations of the Polish communists with Władysław Sikorski’s government over their joint struggle against fascism; the creation of a National Committee of the Domestic Front in Bulgaria and preparation by underground workers-communists for armed revolt; expansion of the guerrilla (partisan) movement; the failure of a German attempt to destroy People’s Liberation Army of Josip Broz Tito; one of the largest military operations, Bagration; the beginning of the liberation of Poland; creation of the Polish National Government in Lublin; the Warsaw Uprising; the capitulation of Bór-Komorowski and defeat of the Polish patriots; the entry of Soviet and Polish armies into Warsaw.
Length 599 minutes
Mikhail Ulyanov | Mircea Septilici | Yevgeni Matveyev | Vasili Lanovoy | Stefan Getsov | Viktor Avdyushko | Bohuš Pastorek | Horst Preusker | Yakov Tripolsky | Lubomir Kabakchiyev | Boris Belov | Peter Stefanou | Vladlen Davydov | Károly Ujlaky | Miklós Benedek | Anton Gorchev | Violeta Bahchevanova | Valentin Kazanskiy | Stanisław Jaśkiewicz | Naum Shopov | Fritz Diez | Gerd Michael Henneberg | Horst Gill | Pavel Popandov | Valentin Gadzhokov | Zlatko Pavlov | Nikolai Ouzounov | Zbigniew Józefowicz | Edward Linde-Lubaszenko | Jerzy Turek | Constantin Fugașin | Dmitry Gavrilov