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Average Rating: 5.5/10

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Blood of the Vampire (1958)

Directed by Henry Cass

Most recently watched by sleestakk


A man and wife are terrorized by Mad Scientist Dr. Callistratus who was executed but has returned to life with a heart transplant. Along with his crippled assistant Carl, the ‘anemic’ Mad Scientist, believed to be a vampire, conducts blood deficiency research on the inmates of a prison hospital for the criminally insane to sustain his return to life.

Length 87 minutes


Donald Wolfit | Vincent Ball | Barbara Shelley | Victor Maddern | William Devlin | Andrew Faulds | John Le Mesurier | Bryan Coleman | Cameron Hall | George Murcell | Julian Strange | Bruce Wightman | Barbara Burke | Bernard Bresslaw | Hal Osmond | Milton Reid | Patricia Phoenix