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Amanda (2018)

Directed by Mikhaël Hers


David, who gets by doing odd jobs, meets Léna, who has just moved up to Paris, and falls in love. But soon after, his life is brutally interrupted by the sudden death of his sister. Beyond the shock, and the pain, David now finds himself alone with his young niece Amanda to care for.

Length 107 minutes


Vincent Lacoste | Isaure Multrier | Stacy Martin | Ophélia Kolb | Marianne Basler | Jonathan Cohen | Greta Scacchi | Claire Tran | Nabiha Akkari | Bakary Sangaré | Elli Medeiros | Zoé Bruneau | Lily Bensliman | Raphaël Thiéry | Leah Lapiower | Luke Haines | Lawrence Valin | Carole Rochet | Jeanne Candel | Lisa Wisznia | Missia Piccoli | David Olivier Fischer | Christopher Koderisch | Lennart Zynga | Chiara Vergne