A madman unleashes a biological weapon powerful enough to wipe out life on earth in this apocalyptic horror story. As the flesh-eating bacteria spreads, people drop like flies and a top secret military team is called in to stop the outbreak. But the maniac may just succeed: By the time the experts are called in, the contagion has taken on a life of its own. Alison Whitney, Benjamin Kanes, Miya Sagara and Andrew Kranz star.
Rated PG-13 | Length 79 minutes
Alison Whitney | Benjamin Kanes | Miya Sagara | Andrew Kranz | Tom Cikoski | Shelley Dague | Jessica Day | Chuck McMahon | Rob Monkiewicz | A.J. Khan | John Paul Fedele | Michael R. Thomas | Carl Burrows | Buzz Cartier | Panhead Fred Bauer | Joyce Corbo | John Degro | Greg Ensel | David Fine | Jack Fitz | Mike Gerlitz | Demetri Gounaris | Mike Kalosiah | Joseph R. Kolbek | Antonette Koshycar | Conor Laverty | Dave Lettieri | Catherine Lisa | Tony Lucchese | Brian McNulty | Bruce Nicholls | Duane Polcou | Perry Poston | Holger Schaefer | Jason B. Schneider | Mike Schuster | Tom Shilling | Michael Thomas | Kelly Varcadiponi | John Weinmann | Justin Wingenfeld | Henrique Couto | Jeffrey Faoro