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Average Rating: 4/10

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Embrace the Darkness (1999)

Directed by Kelley Cauthen

Most recently watched by sleestakk


Vampires Galen and Miranda have just moved to Los Angeles. Galen wants to lay low and get his blood from a nearby blood bank while Miranda likes hers fresh, young, and virile. When Galen notices dancer Jennifer in the apartment next door, he falls in love and sets out to pursue her. Miranda becomes jealous and seduces Jennifer, too, while Jennifer’s cop boyfriend Ryan senses that she is becoming too friendly with Galen and Miranda. Meanwhile, Ryan and Detective Turner have their hands full trying to figure out why bloodless bodies keep turning up with two puncture wounds on the neck.

Rated R | Length 93 minutes


Madison Clark | Angelia High | Kevin Spirtas | Brad Bartram | Colleen McDermott | Jennifer Ludlow | Cliff Potts | Jason Schnuit