In the sleepy small town of Dudley, Ohio, a terrifying future awaits. Laura is almost raped by a normal lawyer who appears to have gone crazy. When her boyfriend, Jack Walther saves her by running him over with her car, the cops don’t buy the story. Things get complicated when Laura’s roommate is murdered and the local police start asking questions that they can’t answer
Length 72 minutes
Chris Ferry | Erin Wilk | Stephen Seidel | Peter Blitzer | Matt Regney | Vickie Myers | Jaime Whitlock | Emily Ackerman | Doug Sobon | Brooke Delaney | Patrick Pope | Dani Baker | Jack Gordon | Michael Grenier | Chris Lavelle | Greg Levitre | Jamie Lewis | Jason Madera | Danny Ray | Anna Vukovic | Daniel Wedig | Steve Downer