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Nemtsov (2016)

Directed by Vladimir Kara-Murza


A story told by those who knew Boris Nemtsov at different times: when he was a young scientist and took his first steps in politics; when he held high government offices and was considered Boris Yeltsin’s heir apparent; when he led Russia’s democratic opposition to Vladimir Putin.

Length 66 minutes


Boris Nemtsov | Vladimir Kara-Murza | Valentin Yumashev | Boris Yeltsin | Grigoriy Yavlinskiy | Strobe Talbott | Sergei Dorenko | Irina Khakamada | Mikhail Kasyanov | Mikhail Khodorkovsky | Alexei Navalny | Ilya Yashin | Yevgeny Kiselyov | John McCain | Vladimir Bukovsky | Boris Nadezhdin