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Average Rating: 7/10

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Themroc (1973)

Directed by Claude Faraldo

Most recently watched by sleestakk


Themroc, a bachelor house painter living at home with his mother, leads a sad and colorless life. One day, after a run-in with his boss, he rebels. He wrecks his apartment, rejects every facet of bourgeois life, and begins acting like an urban, modern-day Neanderthal.

Length 104 minutes


Michel Piccoli | Béatrice Romand | Francesca Romana Coluzzi | Jeanne Herviale | Marilù Tolo | Romain Bouteille | Coluche | Patrick Dewaere | Jean Aron | Paul Barrault | Stéphane Bouy | Madeleine Damien | François Dyrek | Michel Fortin | Henri Guybet | Jean-Michel Haas | François Joxe | Marie Kéruzoré | Philippe Manesse | Miou-Miou | Catherine Mitry | Myriam Mézières | Popeck | Roger Riffard | Gégé Sagroun | Sotha