A Squad of elite commandos is lost in the Swedish wilderness during a secret mission. A tactical unit is sent out to investigate. I the meanwhile a group of hikers enter the area. Their phones suddenly loses reception and the compasses stops working. One after the other they start to disappear.
Length 97 minutes
A.R. Hellquist | Fredrik Dolk | Daniel Janzen | Tina Ericksson | Tintin Anderzon | Jan Johansen | Daphne Leon | Björn Ericson | Natasha Semenets | Rickard Green | Lars Lundgren | Viktoria Hedberg | Daniela Miteska | Anna Nilsson | Sofia Windroth | Mikael Bergåse | Johan Gunnarsson | Sofia Winroth | Emma Sundstedt | Åke Jansson | Josefine Gustafsson | Torbjörn Hartman | Magnus G. Bergström | Hanna Karin Berglund | Fredrik Blom | Ulrika Forberg | Erika Leppäniemi | Mattias Lindh | Timmy Olsson | Jim Pira | Emma Säfström