JP lives with his brother Vincent, his mother Joe and his girlfriend Mel in a small appartement of Verdun. Constantly walking a tightrope, JP tries to maintain a proper balance between the numerous needs of his family of which he feels responsible for, the collecting job he is doing with his brother and his involvements in his uncle’s drug cartel who he sees as a father figure.
Length 87 minutes
Jean-Simon Leduc | Théodore Pellerin | Maude Guérin | Claudel Laberge | Paul Ahmarani | Marjo | Philippe Hubert Bourgon | Olivier Lamarche | Maadior Sarr | Nicholas Zypchen | Sébastien Tessier | Xiaodan He | Nobuya Shimamoto | Alexandre Murphy Baraby | Jessy Provencher | Josée Juteau | Alicia Ducasse | Geneviève Schmidt | Sylvio Archambault | Sylvie Lemay | Andres Alfaro | Wolff Cadelis | Cole Kenneth Mckenzie | Léane Labrèche-Dor | Naomie Dubé | Mathias Dubé | Yannick Pelletier | Faktual | Woodman | Sylvain Lamy | Louis-Olivier Mauffette