In the mystical realm of Ryntia, the forces of the underworld are aligning to unleash a plague of evil upon the surface. The deadly bat-like Blood Reavers, the Saurian Maurauders, the Orcish Warmongers and the feline Shadow-cat mercenaries have pledged their respective clans to the service of Bre’Gwen, queen of the deep elves. Together they seek to destroy the human and Elven kingdoms and rule all of Ryntia in the name of evil.
Rated NR | Length 103 minutes
Mark Steven Grove | Sara N. Salazar | Lauren Melone | Trygve Lode | Sam Del Rio | Michelle Grove | Justin McQueede | Brian D. Cahill | Debra McMichael | Kristie Griever | Martin Kove | Christopher Atkins | Gary Sirchia | Stephanie Atz | Matt Baca | Eileen Barker | Paul Bonnell | Amber Borden | Steven Brown | Gary Carnes | Jason Coviello | Nick Dahlberg | Jennifer Dean | Shawn DeMarco | Darius Ellis | Kasha Fauscett | Jeff Ford | Christine Gauthier | Kathryn Gould | Kevin Koepke | Alicia Leeper | Karen Lincoln | Jenn Mazal | Molly McKune | Rachel Mikaelsen | Sarah Mills | Kirk Montgomery | Bernadette Niblo | Steven J. Perkins | T. David Rutherford | Scott Sheely | Mark Sparks | Diane Thiemann | William Trujillo | Matt Wahl | J. Michael Weiss