Is the WHO sick? The filmmaker and mother Lilian Franck reveals clandestine influences by the tobacco, pharmaceutical and nuclear industries on the organization. She shows a frightening portrayal of our present society, in which governmental politics is becoming obsolete.
“Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane.” - Martin Luther King
Length 85 minutes
Lilian Franck | John Peterson Myers | Robert Parsons | Wolfgang Wodarg | Margaret Chan | Thomas Zeltner | Douglas Bettcher | Vera da Costa e Silva | Gregory Hartl | German Velasquez | Marie-Paule Kieny | Albert Osterhaus | Angela Merkel | Barack Obama | Gregor Gysi | Donald Trump | Bill Gates | Gaudenz Silberschmidt | Patti Rundall | Keith Baverstock | Naoto Kan | Wladimir Tchertkoff | Paul Roullaud | Alison Katz | Douglas Braaten | Janette Sherman | Ian Fairlie | Maria Neira | Zulfikar G. Abbany | Ada Yonath | Bernie Sanders