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Unspeakable (2000)

Directed by Chad Ferrin


Impotent and unhappy middle-aged James Fhelleps goes murderously around the bend after an automobile accident claims the life of his beloved daughter Heather and turns his nagging wife Alice into a pathetic grotesquely disfigured cripple. James embarks on a savage killing spree, brutally butchering such low-life scum as hookers and drug dealers so he can reach Heather from the other side.

Rated NR | Length 81 minutes


Roger Garcia | Tamara Noll | Leigh Silver | Larry Richards | Rae Robison | Wolf Dangler | Eddie Shea | Timothy Muskatell | Tina Birchfield | Stephanie Lane | Scott Vogel | Jean Keller | Gregory Lee Kenyon | J.M. Wilkerson | Richard Gunn