After settling in the tiny Australian town of Walkabout Creek with his significant other and his young son, Mick “Crocodile” Dundee is thrown for a loop when a prestigious Los Angeles newspaper offers his honey a job. The family migrates back to the United States, and Croc and son soon find themselves learning some lessons about American life—many of them inadvertent
Rated PG | Length 95 minutes
Paul Hogan | Linda Kozlowski | Jere Burns | Jonathan Banks | Alec Wilson | Gerry Skilton | Steve Rackman | Serge Cockburn | Aida Turturro | Paul RodrÃguez | Kaitlin Hopkins | Patrick Dargan | Matt Winston | Morgan O'Neill | Clare Carey | David Ngoombujarra | Buddy Daniels | Brian Turk | Shanyn Asmar | John Billingsley | Jay Acovone | Nick Lawson | Rick Gonzalez | Nicholas Hammond | Mike Tyson | George Hamilton | David Baldwin | Hal Fishman | Matthew Kimbrough | Betty Bobbitt | David Clendenning | Duke Bannister | Karen Crone | Steven Grives | Jim Davidson