Four years after the events of SHIROBAKO the series, Musashino Animation has gone through unprecedented changes and things are looking bleak for the studio. One day, Aoi Miyamori is offered a role managing a new theatrical animation project. With only a few months left before the deadline, can MusAni complete the project in its current state? It’s up to Aoi to work alongside both familiar faces and new to finish the project in time!
Rated NR | Length 119 minutes
Juri Kimura | Haruka Yoshimura | Haruka Chisuga | Asami Takano | Hitomi Ohwada | Ayane Sakura | Masaya Matsukaze | Nobuyuki Hiyama | Hironori Saitoh | Kenji Hamada | Yuri Yamaoka | Madoka Yonezawa | Ikumi Hayama | Atsushi Tamaru | Shinobu Matsumoto | Junji Majima | Kengo Takanashi | Shizuka Itou | Mari Hino | Ai Kayano | Manami Numakura | Kotomi Yamakawa | Shiori Izawa | Motoi Koyanagi | Shuuya Nishiji | Hiroyuki Yoshino | Yuusuke Kobayashi | Mai Nakahara | Nobuyuki Kobushi | Kazuyuki Okitsu | Daiki Hamano | Wataru Takagi | Kenichi Suzumura | Soungdok | Kaede Yuasa