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Average Rating: 6/10

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Arrest Bulldog Drummond (1938)

Directed by James P. Hogan

Most recently watched by sleestakk


The invention of a machine that can cause remote explosions brings the attention of Scotland Yard and Bulldog Drummond.

Rated NR | Length 58 minutes


John Howard | Heather Angel | H.B. Warner | Reginald Denny | E.E. Clive | Jean Fenwick | Zeffie Tilbury | George Zucco | Leonard Mudie | Evan Thomas | Clyde Cook | David Clyde | George Regas | Neil Fitzgerald | Claud Allister | Ferdinand Munier | John Sutton | John Davidson | John Rogers | Jimmy Aubrey | Frank Baker | Billy Bevan | Forrester Harvey | Eugene Jackson | Ruth Rogers | Harold Garrison | Frank Lackteen | Steve Clemente | Kathryn Bates | Neil Craig | Grace Hayle | Gerald Rogers | Olaf Hytten | Sam Savitsky | Hercules Mendez