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I Got the Hook-Up (1998)

Directed by Michael Martin


Two broke buddies feel lucky when they come upon a truckload of cellular phones and begin selling them out of the back of their van. Trouble arises though, when the phones develop faults. The two friends then not only have to deal with unsatisfied customers but also the FBI.

Rated R | Length 93 minutes


Master P | Anthony Johnson | Gretchen Palmer | Ice Cube | Tom Lister Jr. | Helen Martin | Sheryl Underwood | John Witherspoon | Snoop Dogg | Laura Hayes | Frantz Turner | Tangie Ambrose | Harrison White | Richard Keats | Joe Estevez | William Knight | Anthony Boswell | Mack Morris | Mia X | Corey Miller | Edward Smith | Mystikal | Howard Mungo | John Wesley | Shayna Ryan | Tina White | Lori Morrissey | Dora Riestra | Ursula Y. Houston | Stacie Gardner | Shantele Blackmon | Maryan Beigi | Dana Woods