A film based upon the life of Vidocq, the famous adventurer, who, after numerous prison escapes ceased being a crook, a thief and a counterfeiter, and was employed by Pasquier’s government’istry as director of the crime-fighting Sûreté Nationale.
Length 105 minutes
André Brulé | Nadine Vogel | René Ferté | Jean Worms | Henri Bosc | Maurice Lagrenée | Rognoni | Alexandre Mihalesco | Georges Paulais | Jeanne Lion | Clary Monthal | Monette Dinay | Nina Rossi | Colette Desbruyères | Roger Legris | Anthony Gildès | Pierre Clarel | Paul Demange | Daniel clérice | Max Dalban | Pierre Darmant | Léon Peltier | Pierre de Ramey | Teddy Michaud | Robert Ralphy | Bruno Clair | Jean Brochard | Eliane Pascal | Jean Bouzanquet | Paul Faivre | Renée Guérin | Marcel Pérès | Léon Roger-Maxime