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Le Secret de l'émeraude (1936)

Directed by Maurice de Canonge


In a small hotel on an English beach, an agent from the Intelligence Service is responsible for finding an important stolen document. At night, a theft of jewelry, including a superb emerald, complicates the investigation. The search for the double culprit proves to be difficult.

Length 84 minutes


Jean Brochard | Colette Broïdo | Sylvia Cobs | Paule Dagrève | Ky Duyen | René Ferté | Sonia Gobar | Paul Grail | Philippe Hersent | Maurice Lagrenée | Fernand Mailly | Jean Margatt | Billy Max | Alexandre Mihalesco | Odette Sylvain | Sylvaine | Hoang Thi-The | Max Volle | Marcelle Yrven