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The Eighth Day of the Week (2006)

Directed by Judit Elek


After her husband’s death, Hanna Szendroy, the former primadonna, is caught in the claws of the real estate mafia. She looses her lavish home and ends up homeless at the Keleti train station. When she returns to her house, now full of homeless people moved in by the real estate mafia, an unexpected relationship brings hope into her life again.

Length 100 minutes


Judit Hernádi | Maja Komorowska | Gáspár Sándor | Franciszek Pieczka | Gyula Bodrogi | Eszter Csákányi | Judit Pogány | Géza D. Hegedüs | Rajhona Ádám | Sándor Zsótér | Eszter Ónodi | Márta Martin | Károly Mécs | Éva Bakos | Erika Balogh | Zoltán Balázs | Zoltán Árpád Bánosi | Gábor Csetneki | Lászlóné Csicsman | Andrea Czapár | Tamás Fodor | Gados Béla | Antónia Gartai | Ferencné Gergely | Endre Harkányi | Benjamin Harrington | Zoltán Horn | Gábor Horváth | György Hunyadkürthy | István Hunyadkürthy | Dániel Ilcsik | Gréta Ilcsik | József Kopcsándy | Ernő Köves | Andor Lukáts | Ferenc Lólé | István Lőrincz | Sándor Makay | Győző Mihályi | Marcell Miklós | Andrea Moldvai Kiss | Gábor Molnár | Mari Nagy | János Rostás | Amirov Rüsztem | István Sinkó | Edit Soós | Béla Spindler | András Stohl | István Szendrődi | Miklós Székely B. | Zoltán Taisz | Anita Tóth | László Tősér | Olga Varjú