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Average Rating: 7/10

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The Return of Captain Invincible (1983)

Directed by Philippe Mora

Most recently watched by zombiefreak


In WWII, Captain Invincible used his superpowers against the Nazis and was hailed as a hero. But when he was accused of treason, he retired to Australia in disgrace. Cut to the present, when a US super secret super weapon is stolen and he’s asked to come back to the States in order to help stop evil and restore his sterling reputation. Unfortunately, Captain Invincible is a drunk now…

Rated PG | Length 96 minutes


Alan Arkin | Christopher Lee | Kate Fitzpatrick | Bill Hunter | Michael Pate | David Argue | John Bluthal | Chelsea Brown | Max Cullen | Arthur Dignam | Noel Ferrier | Hayes Gordon | Chris Haywood | Graham Kennedy | Gus Mercurio | Max Phipps | Alfred Sandor | Brian Adams | Vince Aloschi | Joee Bell | Ken Bernard | Cali | Joe Catucci | Beau Cox | Robert Davis | Maggie Dence | Amanda Dole | Roger Eagle | Norman Erskine | Terry Hartshorne | Virginia Hey | Connie Hobbs | Gillian Hyde | Christine Jurisic | Ben Kruse | Madam Lash | Del Massey | Gary Mather | John McCall | Doug McGrath | Garth Meade | Kareen Michelle | Tiriel Mora | Roger Newcombe | Jerome Patillo | Simon Reptile | Virginia Rooksby | Shulamite Rovkin | Lila V. Schreiber | Scott Smith | Bruce Spence | Henri Szeps | Consuelo Vera | Mark Wignall | Coco York | Ron Becks