A leather jacket from the famous times of an old actor intersects the lives of different people as a result of random events. On top of that, there is a lotto coupon with a big jackpot in the jacket and no one knows about it. This leather jacket, which travels from hand to hand, will radically change the lives of all characters and turn it into a tangle.
Length 97 minutes
Hakan Meriçliler | Açelya Topaloğlu | Şinasi Yurtsever | Ayhan Taş | Burak Satibol | Köksal Engür | Füsun Demirel | Cihan Ercan | Sabahattin Yakut | Zeynep Kankonde | Ünal Yeter | Mehmet Selim Akgul | Bahar Süer | Ayça Işıldar