An indie film which revolves around the Children’s Film Festival happening in Hyderabad. At the heart of the story are four characters whose lives are connected by the film festival. Fakeer, a nine-year-old rag-picker; Ramakrishna, a documentary filmmaker; Lavanya, a teenage girl; and Feroze, a canteen supervisor.
Length 110 minutes
Sai | Pramila Bodetti | Rahul Ramakrishna | Feroz Ahmed | Arnold Anthony | Gopal | Rohit Penumatsa | Sravana Sandhya | Prerana Sadhu | Rahul Penumatsa | Sanjay Das | Ram Lal | Venkatesh | Raghavendra | Anantha Perumal | Poornima | Vijaya | Appu | Surender | Tadi Vidura | Khaleel Bhai | Sridhar | Camp Sasi | Bhavaja | Manga Reddy | Junaid Ullah | Mimicry Raju | Elahee Hiptoolah