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The Madman (1973)

Directed by Daniel Daërt


Two young delinquents run away from a reformatory, across France with a front-wheel drive (Citroën) and live on thefts made here and there in a very crazy way…the police are on their heels, love for one of them is on their way, but so is the drama.

Length 90 minutes


Michel Creton | Christian Baltauss | Catherine Daërt | Georges Guéret | Alice Arno | Jacques Insermini | Philippe Bellay | Janick Boiron | Catherine Cavelier | Jean-Henri Chambois | Annick Cholet | Gérard Dessalles | Gabriel Dornay | France Gay | Eliane Maazel | Marc Monflier | Jacques Nolot | Alain Park | Francine Touflan | Nadia Vasil | Guy Lux