Chaos follows a deadly duo of maniac assassins after they host a brutal, no-holds-barred tournament inside a sinister steel cage surrounded by razor-sharp barb-wire after luring hungry, aspiring models into the backwoods of Columbus, Ohio with a prize too good to be true. Just as they turn the tide on each other, a mysterious and haunting violent vixen, literally with an ax to grind threatens their status as deadly assassins in this blood-soaked, sweat-drenched nightmare you’ll never forget. Inspired by shockingly true events.
Rated NR | Length 554 minutes
Lexi Roth | Chelsea Alexandria | Lady Ana-Eve | Cheyenne Bellomy | Russell Brown | Becca Chanay | Torri Chanel | Kelcey Coe | Brianna Culp | Strawberry Debutante | Amanda Dicapo | Kaylyn Marie Downie | Kody Evans | Hayley Homicide | Jennifer Lee | Synthetika Lynn | Lady Elli May | Lindsey McComb | Brandi Michelle | Lois Minnis | Miss Molly | Mandy Motionless | Amber Nicole | Ginger Ninja | Sara Robinson | Brittany Rose | Travis Smith | Macy Nikole | Raven Snow | Destiny Soria | Krystal Thode | Neko Von | Faith Roswell