The story takes place in 1993 Serbia, torn by hyperinflation and economic disaster. Milan, an avid fan of FC Partizan, lives with his friend, a painter, and makes money by selling his paintings to the “new elite”. He meets a nice girl who works a phone sex hot line and the two eventually fall in love. An another friend so his is a treasury guard in a bank governed by a shady lady known as “Serbian mother”, notorious for cheating the thousands of creditors. The couple is planning to rob the bank and run away to a remote sunny island with palms.
Length 103 minutes
Dubravka Mijatović | Srđan Todorović | Goran Radaković | Milorad Mandić | Mirjana Karanović | Gorica Popović | Marko Janketić | Steve Agnew | Nenad Jezdić | Milena Pavlović | Dobrila Ćirković | Enver Petrovci | Darko Tomović | Kapitalina Erić