Misfits in their lives back home, a group of young people live it up at musical-theater camp. While the sports counselor is completely ignored, the kids’ spend all their time in rehearsal for a grueling schedule that involves a new show every two weeks. Several personal stories come to the fore.
Rated PG-13 | Length 114 minutes
Daniel Letterle | Joanna Chilcoat | Robin de Jesús | Tiffany Taylor | Alana Allen | Anna Kendrick | Sasha Allen | Steven Cutts | Vince Rimoldi | Kahiry Bess | Don Dixon | Roberto Orosco | Stephen DiMenna | Omar Edwards | Camilla Millican Samuelson | Julie Kleiner | DeQuina Moore | Brittany Pollack | Tracee Beazer | Tony Melson | Patrick Cubbedge | Mario Concepcion | Ryan Fitzgerald | Caitlin Van Zandt | Stephen Sondheim | Egle Petraite | David Perlow | Luke Stanhope | Melanna Gray | Eddie Clark | Leslie Frye | Natasha Coppola-Shalom