The film tackles the life journey of Toni Ligabue, visionary naïf painter who used to draw tigers, lions and jaguars while living among the poplar trees of the boundless Po valley. A harsh life that is a fairy tale too, as a lonely and marginalized kid finds redemption in his art, and a way to express himself and be admired by the world.
Length 120 minutes
Elio Germano | Oliver Ewy | Leonardo Carrozzo | Pietro Traldi | Orietta Notari | Fabrizio Careddu | Andrea Gherpelli | Denis Campitelli | Filippo Marchi | Maurizio Pagliari | Francesca Manfredini | Daniela Rossi | Mario Perrotta | Paolo Dallasta: | Gianni Fantoni | Paola Lavini | Simone Allai | Paolo Rossi | Giancarlo Ratti | Gabriele Majo | Duilio Pizzocchi | Orfeo Orlando | Dagny Gioulami | Peter Hottinger