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The Masked Woman (1927)

Directed by Silvano Balboni


Baron Tolento lusts for Diane Delatour, his physician’s wife, and donates money to their favorite charity, a children’s home, in hope of gaining her favor. When Delatour is called away, Tolento inveigles Diane into attending a party at his house. There he threatens to ruin her husband if she does not submit to his demands within three months. Diane retaliates by showing him a letter proving that Tolento has only three months to live, according to a specialist. Delatour learns of his wife’s presence at the party from one of the baron’s women, and when Tolento makes Diane heir to his fortune, he becomes convinced of her infidelity.

Length 60 minutes


Anna Q. Nilsson | Charles Murray | Gertrude Short | Einar Hanson | Ruth Roland | Holbrook Blinn | Cora Macey | R.O. Pennell | Paulette Day