Traces the long and ferocious rivalry between Coke and Pepsi, centered on the “New Coke” debacle of 1985. For almost a hundred years, Coke had been the undisputed leader in the multibillion dollar global soda industry–stodgy, predictable, but indisputably top dog–while Pepsi had been the upstart No. 2, forever poking at its big brother with cutting edge advertising. But in 1985, in a stranger-than-fiction twist, Coca-Cola’s executives took a step so daring that no one in either company could believe it: they changed the formula of the most popular beverage on the planet.
Length 84 minutes
Christopher Emerson | Harvey Yazijan | Bill Katz | Joel Stein | Rob Baskin | Thomas Oliver | Katie Bayne | Michael Beindorff | Patti Rueff | Craig Weatherup | Ken Ross | Aaron Walton | Becky Madeira | Stuart Elliott | Duane Stanford | Brian Unger | Neville Isdell | Nikhil Deogun | Allen Rosenshine | Joanne Lipman | Scott Miller | Tony Tortorici | Bob Stoddard | Joe McCann | Jesse Meyers | Gary Von Kennel | Roger Enrico | Jay Coleman | Michael Jackson | Tom Brokaw | Donald Keough | Ted Koppel | John Belushi | Steve Guttenberg | Barbara Lippert | Peter Jennings | Bill Cosby | Billy Joel | Bill Murray | Michael J. Fox | Sergio Zyman | Ken Ross | David Letterman