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Misty Button (2019)

Directed by Seanie Sugrue


James, who has just burned his last bridge and now lacks both a job and a wife, teams up with friend Eoin on a for-hire mission to the racetrack on behalf of slippery raconteur Timmy Thomas. In a clumsy attempt at sleight of hand by a pair who wouldn’t know a winning hand if they saw one, the boys screw up royally, putting themselves under heavy obligation to a clutch of gangsters. There’s a new angle when a bold lady with a soft spot for the sound of Irish and the hots for greenbacks sets her sights on James.

Length 88 minutes


Cillian O'Sullivan | Shaun Kennedy | John Keating | Donald Paul | Kevin Breznahan | Marcia Haufrecht | Josh Salt | Hannah Jane McMurray | Victoria Meade | Julia Nightingale | Gerardo Rodriguez | Christopher Tierney | Jessica Carillo | Matt Salinger