The story revolves around 3 best of friends. Kara, the cosplayer and online retailer. George the boyish football wannabe, Enzo, the Mr. Fix-It
Length 113 minutes
Barbie Forteza | Elmo Magalona | Bea Binene | Jake Vargas | Lexi Fernandez | Louise de los Reyes | Joshua Dionisio | Joyce Ching | Kristofer Martin | Alden Richards | Yassi Pressman | Victor Aliwalas | Sam Pinto | Angelu de Leon | Pinky Amador | Yayo Aguila | Nadia Montenegro | Chuckie Dreyfuss | Anna Vicente | Julie Anne San Jose | German Moreno | Dingdong Dantes | Marian Rivera | Tim Yap | Tessa Prieto-Valdes | Mark Herras | Jojo Alejar | Ynna Asistio | Sarah Lahbati | Ellen Adarna | Alodia Gosiengfiao | Chienna Filomeno