An atmospheric slasher horror movie based in North Yorkshire. A survival experience group clash with a farmer set on revenge, as they wade into his land not knowing what awaits them and their team members.
Length 80 minutes
Maria Lee Metheringham | Terry Wood | Dale Hooley | Nathan Jordie Keers | Will Metheringham | James Bayes | Debra Marie Mawdsley | Sarah Jayne Curry | Roland Martial | Iona Mckeown | Georgia Annable | Craig Edwards | George Walker | Marcella Edgecombe-Craig | Anthony Wakefield | Stefan Michaels | Mark Hindman Smith | David Healy | John Micheal Foulger | Mark Blake Smith | Samantha Hindman | Stacey Gough | Dani Thompson | Richard Tyurland | Karl Revill | Frankie Mckeown