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This is the sixth disc of the Marx Brothers Silver Screen Collection. In contains three brief “Today Show” interviews with Harpo (May 3, 1961, length 7:15), Groucho (November 8, 1963, length 4:52), and Harpo’s son, William (July 17, 1985, length 4:37). Harpo, age 72, is still his childlike, unspeaking self as he clowns around with host Dave Garroway while promoting his newly published autobiography, Harpo Speaks. He plays the lovable fool with pocket props, a harp retooled for bow-and-arrow silliness, and one busty blonde. Groucho, there to plug his book, Memoirs of a Mangy Lover, is suitably acerbic with host Hugh Downs when he’s not leering at Down’s female co-host. He reminisces about his encounter with an up-and-coming starlet named Marilyn Monroe on the set of Love Happy. William Marx is interviewed by Gene Shalit to celebrate the re-issue of Harpo Speaks. Bill Marx says that Harpo was a “wonderful, magical man at home,” and shows home movies of Harpo and Groucho.
Rated G | Length 16 minutes