Some unknown source has interrupted all television transmissions around the world. In place of the regular broadcasts, a lineup of extremely tasteless programs and commercials have been substituted. Included in the mix are such show as The Shitheads, The Charles Whitman Invitational, and commercials for a number of improbable products.
Rated R | Length 75 minutes
Joanna Cassidy | Warren Oates | Harry Shearer | Susan Doukas | Nancy Parsons | Peter Kastner | Mary Steelsmith | Paul Zegler | Harris Yulin | Alan Wittert | Mike Wagner | Herb Voland | Lou Tiano | Cynthia Szigeti | Laurie Zimmer | Royce D. Applegate | Ken Sylk | Jessica Swirnoff | David Spielberg | Craig Richard Nelson | Dave Shelley | Jordan Brian