A coming-of-age comedy about Jimmy, a quiet, heavy-set high school kid who is constantly tormented by the resident school bully Miles and his cronies. After an altercation on his way home from school lands him a chance meeting with former professional boxer “Action” Jackson and trainer Manny, Jimmy decides to learn how to fight back.
Length 83 minutes
Tucker Albrizzi | Danny Trejo | Ron Canada | Jack DiFalco | Vincent Pastore | Elanna White | Jay Lee | Dino Petrera | Jennifer Montague | Matthew F. O’Connor | Kera O'Bryon | Peter Evangelista | James Gonzalez | Jason Erik Zacek | Amanda Jane Stern | Matthew Credle | Armani Del Rio | Charles DelGatto | Kristine Renee Farley | Darnell Hutchins | Patricia Pinto