Set in the world of 2045, where communities have robotic helpers, a group of suburbanites are locked in for their protection by their household robots, while a rogue, self-aware AI android revolt uprising takes place outside.
Rated R | Length 110 minutes
Isabelle Nanty | Elsa Zylberstein | Claude Perron | Stéphane De Groodt | Youssef Hajdi | Claire Chust | François Levantal | Alban Lenoir | Marysole Fertard | Hélie Thonnat | Juliette Wiatr | André Dussollier | Benoît Allemane | James Champel | Corinne Martin | Dominique Pinon | Ashley Fays | Vanille Lehmann | Paul Ménage | Mickaël Jullien | Michel Vigné | François Berland | Julien Kramer | Sara Chambin | Sébastien Gill | Bastien Rieu | Stanislas Briche | Christophe Chalufour | Stéphane Boissier | Clara Couturet | Romain Deloutre | Yasmine Gallier | Luc Bataini | Michaël Mouilleron | Alain N'Diaye | Clara Rousselin | Thierry Sauz | Nattawat Unlahmai | Rachel Regent | Edouard Michelon | Cécile Ribault-Caillol | Xavier Renaud | Albert Dupontel