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Peggy (1916)

Directed by Thomas H. Ince, Charles Giblyn


The heroine, Peggy Cameron, is a high-society debutante with a mind of her own. After making a public spectacle of herself once too often, Peggy is bundled off to Scotland, where she is to be looked after by her no-nonsense uncle Andrew Cameron (William H. Thompson). If Peggy’s family had hoped that she would straighten up and behave herself in Scotland, they were sorely mistaken.  Restored in 2018 by the Academy Film Archive with restoration funding provided by the Louis B. Mayer Foundation.

Rated NR | Length 70 minutes


Billie Burke | Claire Du Brey | Gertrude Claire | Charles Ray | Truly Shattuck | William Desmond | Nona Thomas | William H. Thompson