Two veteran private eyes trigger a criminal reign of terror with their search for a missing girl. | Al Hickey (Cosby) & Frank Boggs (Culp) are two jaded private investigators who get hired to find a missing woman and quickly find themselves submerged in a world of murder and untruths.
Rated PG | Length 111 minutes
Bill Cosby | Robert Culp | Ta-Ronce Allen | Rosalind Cash | Lou Frizzell | Nancy Howard | Bernard Nedell | Isabel Sanford | Sheila Sullivan | Carmencristina Moreno | Jason Culp | Ron Henriquez | Louis Moreno | Caryn Sanchez | Robert Mandan | Michael Moriarty | Denise Renfro | Bernie Schwartz | Matt Bennett | Bill Hickman | Gerald Peters | Tom Signorelli | Keri Shuttleton | Wanda Spell | Winston Spell | Jack Colvin | Vincent Gardenia | Ed Lauter | Joe E. Tata | James Woods | Lester Fletcher | Dean Smith | Gilchrist Stuart | Jerry Summers | Sylvester Words | Bob Harks