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Colors (2013)

Directed by Murilo Barbosa Simões


The most suffocating is the awareness that nothing is happening.  All the veins are drying without the blood running through them. I came to Barão Geraldo because things happen here.  Here people love as much as dolls hang themselves and chicken are slaughtered to death. Would I still hang dolls and burn memories in the next 18 years? It astonishes me how less and less I do not care for things that are not my extension. Being my own destruction is the only way. Intimacy is a farewell. All I see is a lot water and all the colors are not enough. All forms of comunication are not enough for a lot of water.

Length 100 minutes


João Pedro Campos | Juliana Beatriz Toni | Ranu | Maria Vera Lúcia Barbosa | Wilson José Simões | Márcio GonCa | Nai i. | Murilo Barbosa Simões | Wilson Nunes Simões | Terezinha Fernandes da Silva | | Serafim Barbosa dos Santos | Cybelle de Freitas Simões | Serafina Fernandes Correia Netto | Jeroen Sebastian Kleijn | Larissa Miranda Alem | André Luís da Silveira Silva | Rafael Augusto da Silva | Pedrinho Barbosa | André Carvalho Ferreira da Rosa | Flávia Ginzel | Victor Ramon | Ramiro Rodrigues | Marina Almeida | Rafa | Cintia Morena | Luísa Burdelis | Fábio Eduardo Araújo Cardoso | Maria Clara Conte Goulart | Allan Cezar Gama | César Queiroz | Mayara | tio Neném | Yolandi Visser | Lars von Trier | Chroniclove